The desire to have sex after having a baby can vary from person to person. Once you are given the green light from your medical provider to have sex after a baby, it is safe to have sex while breastfeeding. Here are a few tips for how to approach sex.
You might not want to have sex immediately, and that’s okay! Be patient with yourself. It can take time for your libido to return after giving birth, especially if you’re breastfeeding. This usually has to do with hormone shifts, recovering from labor and delivery, and coping with exhaustion. Communication is key!
When you are feeling up for it, preparation can be beneficial. Scheduling time and having an open line of communication can help to make sex more enjoyable. Be aware that sex can stimulate a milk letdown, so emptying your breasts beforehand by nursing or pumping can help to reduce that, as well as minimize soreness. Wearing nursing pads or a bra can also help. Hormone changes can also contribute to vaginal dryness, so it is important to consider a high-quality lubricant.
Exclusive breastfeeding can help to prevent pregnancy because it suppresses ovulation, and it may be used as a birth control method called “lactational amenorrhea.” This can be effective; however, there are many variables that can trigger your body to ovulate. Therefore, if you use this method, it is recommended to use a secondary method if you are wishing to prevent pregnancy, here are some best practices when using the lactational amenorrhea method:
You’ve been breastfeeding your baby for fewer than 6 months.
You have not had a period.
You are exclusively breastfeeding day and night, and your baby has received no other formula or supplements.
Your baby is breastfed frequently, with no more than 4- 6 hours between feedings.
There are also other ways to be intimate and connect with your partner. This might look like finding time for a short date or doing something you enjoyed before the baby arrived. Taking a walk, laughing together, or playing a game can be simple ways to connect.
Always remember to be patient with yourself and love yourself as you step into your role as a new parent. There is a wide range of normal, which is typically different from what was normal before babies.
Need more help with feeding your baby? Book a visit with Wisco Lactation! We offer home & office visit in SE Wisconsin and NE Illinois. We also offer virtual visits worldwide.