An infant feeding helping hand is here!
We offer home and office visits in Southern Wisconsin and NE Illinois. We also have virtual visits available worldwide. Insurance may cover the cost of your visit. Please visit our insurance page for more details. Whatever type of visit you choose - we've got you.
How we can help
Nipple/breast pain or damage
Latch issues
Concerns about milk supply
Low weight gain
Plugged ducts
Distracted nursing
Introducing solids
Breast refusal
Nursing strikes
Starting solids
Oral function (tongue and lip ties)
Frenectomy aftercare
Discoordination of suck
Inducing lactation or re-lactation
Exclusive pumping
Returning to work
Flange Fittings
Bottle feeding assessments
Bottle refusal
Weighted feeds
Milk transfer assessment
Our lactation consultants assist with numerous infant feeding issues. Don't see what you are struggling with on this list? We can probably help! Contact us with any questions.
Initial Evaluation
• 1.5-2 hrs
• Health History
• Assessment of Parent and Baby
• Weighted Feed
• Infant Feeding Questions Answered
• Detailed, Personalized Feeding Plan
• 2 weeks Messaging
• Flange Fitting INCLUDED!
• Assessment of Exclusive Pumping
Home $250 | Office $175
Virtual $150 | Twins +$50
Feeding Therapy & Bodywork Initial Visit
1 hr
Health history
Assessment of oral motor and movement: strength, coordination, tension and movement patterns
Discuss options for treatment
Provide manual therapy techniques to address tension, movement and coordination
Provide oral motor and whole body exercises for home to address oral function and gross motor coordination
Wisco Clients $175 | Non-Wisco Clients $200 | Child $200
Feeding Therapy & Bodywork Follow Up
45 or 60 minutes
Therapist will advise on time needed
Assessment of progress from last visit
Provide manual therapy techniques to address specific body points that may still require treatment
Provide oral motor and whole body exercises for home
45 min $99 | 60 min $132
Lactation, Feeding Therapy & Bodywork Joint Visit
Available for current Wisco Clients
Provide manual therapy techniques to address specific body points that may still require treatment
Provide oral motor and whole body exercises for home
Assessment of Parent and Baby
Weighted Feed
Infant Feeding Questions Answered
Detailed, Personalized Feeding Plan -
2 weeks of Follow Up
Speak with your IBCLC for booking!